Friday, September 23, 2011

Food For America

Today is the day that the high school FFA kids bring in some of their livestock and show the elementary kids.  I think the purpose is supposed to be like the comes from a farm, not a grocery store, but there are always exceptions.  Someone brought a horse.  I don't like horses.  They creep me out.  A kid rode the horse for awhile and it was all I could do to keep from grabbing Cade and running away.  Again, I really do not like horses.  I asked Jay why they let the kids bring horses because horses don't have anything to do with food.  He said someone always brings a horse.  Anyway, a horse wasn't a planned part of this story, I just flashbacked to seeing that tall gangly thing with a person sitting on it's back.  No thank you....

Moving on to the real point of this story - Jay let Cade get out of class for a couple of hours to participate as a presenter along with his bull Bocephus (I have no idea how to spell that).  I left work for a little bit to watch Cade in action.  He is so funny when he's talking about cattle.  By the time I got there it was towards the end.  Luckily he was paired with two sisters, Ellen & Addison, who also show Hereford's.  It was lucky because they've spent some time around him so they know what he's like.  As in they know he talks.  All the time.  Going in to this day Cade's #1 fear was that they (as in the HS kids) would do too much of the talking.  By the time I got there Cade had heard their parts enough that not only was he saying his part, but theirs also.  I watched the last group go through and Ellen stepped out of the center of attention to count kids and hand out goodies.  I think she knew that there wasn't much left for her to say that Cade hadn't already said so she just stood at the side.  In the middle of the presentation Cade looked at her and said "Ellen, did you drop out"?  I had the video camera so I'm sure there are some snorts from me on there because he was so funny to watch.  Actually, he was kind of a bossy butt!  He bossed the 5th graders around and let them know when their answers were wrong.  At one point they were talking about how animal fat was used in makeup and one of the boys acted grossed out.  Cade said "I'm not talking to you I'm talking to the girls right now".  I told Jay that I hoped Ellen and Addison hadn't wanted to talk because Cade wasn't going to let them. 

But I love to see him do this kind of stuff.  I'm so glad he's not like me and terrified to talk to people.  If I'm at a work thing and we have to go around the table and say our names and what office we work at and how many years we've been at FCS I get nervous and rehearse it in my head. Like I don't know the answers to those questions!  I am so thankful because he seems to be an identical replica of me when it comes to his personality, except for this.  Jay and I really have no clue where his ability to talk to anyone comes from.  Jay is more outgoing than I am, but nothing like Cade is.  He's such a funny little guy! 

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