Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Last of the Vacation Pictures


Standing in the Capitol in the exact center of Washington DC. All of the roads from DC come from this point

Thursday night we walked by the White House and C put his foot on the lawn.

C's new friend Kathy from South Dakota


JFK's grave at Arlington

View of Arlington House from JFK's grave. Arlington House actually belonged to Robert E Lee's wife who was the Great-Granddaughter of Martha Washington (from her first husband)The union took the house from Lee due to a technicality during the Civil War. The Lee family never lived there again after the war.

Friday afternoon we went to Mount Vernon. We bought C a 3 cornered hat and he loved it. He wore it the rest of the day on Friday, all day Saturday and then on the way home Sunday.

Friday evening we rode a boat back into DC from Old Alexandira.


The kids & advisors did a service project on Saturday. This year they picked cucumbers

We lucked out and got in on a garden tour of the White House. It was pretty neat.


The back of the van on the way home

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