Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day

In my post from yesterday I didn't even address the other thing different about my Mother's Day's....Camryn's Birthmom. My heart is also heavy for her at times. I don't want anyone to think I go around depressed all the time when I say things like that because I don't. But I do think about her a lot this time of year, especially with Camryn's birthday coming up. I wonder what she thinks about Mother's Day. Her own mother passed away several years ago and that makes me sad for her. I am praying for her today. I hope she feels the peace that surpasses all understanding.  Jay and I also didn't talk about any of this but I know he was thinking about her to.  He included Camryn's Birthmom in his mother's day breakfast prayer yesterday. 

We went to Fayetteville on Sunday to see Jay's family.  His Aunt and Uncle from Illinois was there because their daugther, Kim, graduated from the University on Saturday.  It was a low key day for us.  By the time we got there it was time to eat lunch.  After we ate I went with Sharon to pick out some birthday presents for Camryn and then I went to Target.  While I was gone Camryn had a big time playing with Nana and Mary outside.  She played soccer and did somersaults and played in the flowers and used a step stool to sneak Cheetos, etc.  It was a big day!
Cade wasn't feeling too good, but he did come out for a little soccer.  I think his allergies have hit this weekend. 

My sweet babies.  Camryn wanted to stand on her own for the picture so that's why we are on her level.  It is a good thing this is far away.  Camryn was covered in dirt, pollen and Cheeto dust by this time in the afternoon.
The trip home last night was full of the things that make up being a mother. Camryn was exhausted but she would not nap. Instead she whined, cried and kicked a McDonald's sack repeatedly. She also used her bottle as a weapon and would sprinkle milk on Cade. Cade keep hacking and coughing and wanted me to look at it....which based on what I saw last night and this morning he has an appointment at 10:30 with his doctor. So all those ads that elude to the fact mother's have a nice quiet day of rest and relaxation are lies!!! I don't know a single mother who's can stop all of this stuff and do nothing for the day....but also most of us wouldn't trade a second of it for all the quiet in the world. 

Happy Mother's Day to all those mother's, aunts, sisters, sunday school teachers, birthmoms......basically anyone who is or has been in a position to be a positive role model for a child.  Thank YOU!!!!!!

1 comment:

Jay said...

I want to thank my wife for being a great mom and keeping our family going each day!