Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Thank Goodness....and Happy Hallowen!

Camryn started getting sick about a week and a half ago...except I didn't realize she was sick. She was just not herself and very cranky. Trying to get her to go to sleep at night was almost impossible. I was wondering if she was outgrowing me putting her to sleep which made me sad.

After a very awful night last Thursday, a missed diagnosis by our doctor Friday, an even worse Friday evening, and a trip to the ER at 10:30 pm that night we finally figured out she had a double ear infection. I was relieved to finally know. Friday night was about the last straw for me...Jay was at National Convention, our washer decided to leak from underneath itself about the time Camryn woke up crying that night. With only about 3 hours of sleep the night before it made everything seem worse! Thank goodness for good neighbors and Memo. Our neighbor helped me move the washer and dryer to clean up the water and Sharon came over to stay with Cade while I took Camryn to the ER.

Last night she finally seemed back to normal. She fell asleep at 7:30 and finally slept all night! Yay, I think she is on the mend. We survived, but we were pretty glad to see Jay Saturday night. And the washer had a hole in a hose. We are waiting for a part but it should be fixed by the end if the week. No big deal!

And Cade and Camryn want to say Happy Halloween. Cade isn't dressing up this year. He wants to go to Miller's playoff game tonight. So the boys are going footballing and the girls are Trick or Treating. Actually is more just showing off a cute girl in a tutu since she won't eat the candy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loooove it. Too cute.