Thursday, October 4, 2012

In 16.5 hours....

We fly with a toddler.

Traveling gets me in knots.  As hard as I try to not let it bother me, my body betrays me.  I haven't slept in days.  Insomnia is one of my first signs that I'm dealing with an unrecognized stress.  That then usually leads into drawn up neck muscles, headaches and stomach issues.  Add the fear of flying ( I absolutely hate takeoffs), and the fear of flying with a toddler to that mix and well...I know you are all insanely jealous of Jay at this moment :)

Right now my prayer list about this trip covers page after page.  It is easier to just pray for a safe uneventful journey.  There are so many things that have the potential to go wrong (and end up as posts on here) that it would take all day to list each thing separately.  But here are some of the highlights....

  • Stacy, our sitter, has had the respiratory flu this week.  That means Camryn has been tossed around and is off her schedule.  Today she is going to work with me.  I stayed late last night to get some things caught up because I feel like I'm going to be gone for days even though it really is only 1 work day.  The office is closed Monday for an all employee conference (I did a happy dance when I read the agenda and knew I'd be missing it).  I should be back Tuesday....provided we aren't stuck in an airport somewhere.
  • Our flight leaves Branson at 7pm (insert tired screaming toddler)
  • We have a 39 minute Atlanta.  I had the urge to puke after typing that.  Both going and coming.  It was either that or a 4 hour layover..with a toddler.
  • Jay has already got the "you are really going to have to book it tonight - I mean you are going to have to be fast!!!" lecture.  Lets just say our normal walking speeds differ by several mph's.  Cade will be receiving the "you can't dawdle at all, you must walk fast, PAY ATTENTION and DO NOT LEAVE OUR SIDES" speech on the way to Branson this evening.  Jay would probably like to give me the "calm down" speech but since I haven't slept in days he already knows that won't be well received.
  • We fly into concourse D and leave on C tonight, provided that doesn't change somewhere between where we confirm it on the screen after leaving plane #1 and arriving at Gate C8.
  • I'm prepared to fork out half of our travel budget on milk purchased in an airport.  I'm sure buying and hauling a cow would be a cheaper option.
  • We have two backpacks, 1 diaper bag, 1 small toy bag for Camryn, 1 ten year old and 1 toddler (if you missed that earlier).  Praying we end up on Plane #2 of the night with all of that in tow. 
  • Once we get to Richmond (at midnight) we can't get our rental car until Friday because they close at 11:30 pm.  The hotel shuttle quits running at 12:30 am.  I'm sure the hotel will be right across the street from the airport....provided you can cross the 16 lanes of traffic between the two. 
I could go on.....But even with all of the travel worries we are looking forward to seeing Jay's family at the wedding and having a weekend away.  We haven't been to this part of Virginia before so we are excited to see a new place. 

And one thing I learned, thanks to the adoption, is that there is nothing I can do about any of this.  If I wanted to list every specific thing in a prayer I could but I've learned God is in control.  I just ask Him to take it from me and take care of us.  Yes, I do that repeatidly but there are some things I can't help.  I think I suffer from traveling OCD.  I'm not sure that is a real diagnosis but it should be.  I've talked to other people and they have the same thing.  You repeatidly check to make sure your ticket is in your bag....5 seconds later check the same spot for your ticket.... You read your next gate number, put your paper away, 1 minute later take out the paper and read your gate number again, etc.  Sometimes my body betrays what I know in my head (like the OCD and insomnia thing) but it will be ok tonight.  I've gave it to God, He knows what is going to happen and if we are stuck in Atlanta tonight there are worst places to be.  Cade would love the Coke headquarters where you can sample Coke's from around the world.  As he would say he'd be in Soda Heaven.

We now depart in 16 hours....

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