Sunday, June 30, 2013

County Fair

Our County Fair was May 31 and June 1.  There was a local radio station that was going to give the two most involved kids a belt buckle and they would be interviewed on the radio.  So that meant Jay was determined to make Cade the most involved kid there.  On Friday they have an Achievement Day and they have little judging activities that kids can do.  I think Cade did about all of those.  He also had cattle, pigs, chickens, a power point presentation and a decorated cake.  He was one busy little guy....which that meant Jay was an extremely busy guy and Papa Jim was a busy grandpa.  Thank goodness Jim was able to help because Jay is so busy with the actual fair he'd never be able to get everything done without Papa Jim's help. 

Poor Papa Jim didn't have the best day.  Jay is in charge of the chicken show so he needed help running to our house to get Cade's chickens.  He doesn't like to take the chickens early in the morning with the other livestock.  Papa Jim drove Jay's truck to pick them up....and he got a speeding ticket.  The insurance on Jay's truck is due the end of May and I honestly don't remember seeing the new insurance cards.  Papa Jim was frantically digging through the dash looking for them.  Since he had some that had expired a few days earlier the Highway Patrol let him off.  He said they were probably sitting in the mail.  Whew.  Then when Papa Jim and Memo were leaving the sale that night he backed into a friend's car.  At least Memo was laughing about it when she called to tell us about it Sunday morning.

The fair went really well this year.  They fair board worked really hard this past year building some permanent buildings for the animals.  It was really nice to have an actual arena for the cattle shows and the sale.  It also made the clean up go much faster.  I couldn't believe how early Jay got home Saturday evening. 

Jay and Cade getting Bonnie and Clyde ready.  Showing the pigs were definitely Cade's favorite activity.  He loves those pigs.  The pigs didn't do as well as we had hoped - but judging is just one man's opinion.  Last week Clyde won Reserve Grand at the Polk County Fair so you just never know. 

This picture makes me laugh every time I look at it.  I don't know what happened between the two of them but Camryn looks like she is telling him what she thinks.  It's a good thing he didn't get too close or she might have whacked him with the pig stick.  These two will more than likely be involved in the same things over the years so I'm sure we will have more pictures of them together.  Wouldn't it be funny if they got married????  I'd have to blow this up and have it hanging in the church. 

This was my favorite picture of the day.  Got them both in the same shot.

The chickens that caused Jim to get a speeding ticket.  Also two days earlier I opened up our electric bill.  Normally our bill is right around $100.  This time it was $175.   I was running around in my head how in the world it could be so high.  Then it dawned on me....IT WAS THE CHICKENS!!!  Jay had been standing there silently while I was processing it all just waiting for me to figure it out.  They are lucky it was almost fair time by the time the bill came in.  In one moth those chickens used almost as much electricity as the 4 of us and the entire house!!!

But of course when I saw this I knew the extra $75 was worth it.  Cade won Grand Champion. 

This is Cade's cake.  He got a blue ribbon on it and it gets to go to Ozark Empire.  Janella did a great job with him.  I think he decorated this on his third class.  It is a Styrofoam block and the icing is hard as a rock.  It's been stored on our computer cabinet since the first part of April. 

Jay's plan of having Cade be the most active participant paid off.  Cade won a belt buckle and he was interviewed on the radio last week.  We were very proud of him! 

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