Finally it seems like things are moving forward with the embryo adoption. I've been pretty antsy the last few days because I was just ready to get started on something, anything! Today we got an e-mail telling us that the genetic profiles of the available embryos will be e-mailed to us on Friday somewhere between 10-12 eastern time. So that means around 9-11 our time we will be picking out our potential children. Isn't that a weird thought??
From what they have told us, we will get basic information on each of the genetic parent...age, race, height, weight, blood type, eye color, hair color, hair type, skin tone (fair, medium, dark), body build (small, medium, large), education, occupation, and ethnic background. We will also know what stage the embryo was frozen - blastocysts, 2PN, or multicells. From what they told us, it really doesn't matter what stage the embryos were frozen in. It doesn't have much of an impact on the success rate. What is important is that we have to have 3 choices and they all have to be at the same stage. That will probably make it a little more tricky. AND it's on a first come, first served basis. Who ever gets their e-mail back to the clinic first will get those embryos.
Our hopes are to scan the list on Friday and be able to quickly make a decision. Jay and I have always been good at quick decision making. We aren't the types to mull something over for days, going back and forth and back again. I hope that is a plus for us in this process. We really won't have the luxury of thinking and over thinking this. Also, being in the adoption process for so long has also helped with this. When you get an e-mail about a cold call and have to make a split second decision so there is no time for wishy-washy behavior. You have to say yes or no quickly. Hopefully 2 years and 7 months of this process has prepared us for this! We are praying that the ones that are supposed to be ours kind of jump out at us and we just know those are the ones.
So we are on the move with this process. I'm ready to get going with it. I can't say that I'm excited about it, just because after so many years you know not to get excited, but I'm ready to move forward. Ready to see if this may be what we are finally supposed to be doing? Out of the blue Friday night Cade told me he wished I was pregnant. I really, really hope this works.