Monday, February 2, 2009

Back to Work

Today is my first day back at work following my surgery. If you are wondering if I was ready the answer is yes and no. Yes, I was ready to get back and get the first day over with. No, because I'd rather be at home then sitting at my desk right now.....

I haven't posted about this yet. I'm not sure why because it is a big thing in our lives right now. I think I'm going through a Jan/Feb creativity slump so I haven't felt like posting much, but I will be transferring to a location much, much closer to home shortly. I found out about the opportunity the middle of December so I put in a transfer request. I found out on January 7th that I would be able to make the switch. That will put me at driving about 7 minutes one way vs 45 minutes one way. I'm pretty excited about it. I kept telling Jay this weekend I wouldn't mind going back to work today if I was in my new job because I am done done done with my job here. I'm done with the driving, I'm done with the mean co-workers, just flat out done with it. There still is no word on when I'll be transferring. They are conducting interviews this week so once someone is hired and trained I'll be able to make the switch. I'm looking very forward to the change.

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