Monday, September 8, 2014

Football and the possibility to revist the past.....

Cade’s first football game is tonight.  Let me tell you, Jr High Football is where it is at.  It is 1 million times better than the youth sports football.  The timing of practice is so much better….right after school!  That means he’s done by 5:45-6:00.  That also means that we aren’t rushing home to get him to practice that starts at 6 and won’t end until 8….which also means I don’t have all the stresses with dinner….when should we eat, what should we eat, Camryn can’t wait until 8:30, etc.  I can’t tell you how much easier the evenings have been.  Another huge plus is not having to witness everything.  I’m just going to say it – some of those parents were so stupid that to sit and watch/listen to them at practice would almost give me a stroke.  I would leave and my BP would have to have been sky high.  That’s usually what made me want to write letters to all of the people who irritated me during this time of the year.  Since I’m at work during practice I don’t have to witness any of what goes down.  Also, since it is a school activity at least the majority of the guys helping have been checked out AND have brains in their head.  They aren’t some local yokel telling everyone they had a scholarship to play college football at LSU.  Yeah right…… 

Another plus is the games are on Monday night.  I GET MY SATURDAYS IN THE FALL BACK!!!!!  I love my fall Saturdays, I love craft shows and going to Fayetteville when the Hogs have a home game.  I love being at home with the windows open and my fall Scentsy scents going.  I LOVE it!!!  I am so excited to enjoy my fall weekends again.  The last few years we were always in the limbo on Saturdays.  Especially when the games would start at 2!  Talk about a day killer!!!

I also just feel more relaxed and happier than I have the last several falls.  When I was in High School I did everything.  Everything.  By the time I graduated I was so burnt out on having to be everywhere at a certain time.  Even twenty years later someone controlling my time almost gives me an anxiety attack.  So when we’d have to listen to some of the parents, and the game times would change and I couldn’t go to Fayetteville and shop when Jay went to a game, and I had to miss the craft shows it made me a little pissy.  Actually it made me quite pissy.  So another plus of Jr High Football is that I’m more relaxed and can laugh off some of this ridiculousness……

Miller had a state winning football team 20 years ago.  The year Jay and I were seniors.  Obviously we weren’t in school at Miller and since I grew up in a town with no football I had no idea any of this went down in the fall of ’94.  These Jr High boys (and the 6th grade class) are being hailed as the next ’94 team.  Hopefully the town is right and they can win a state championship in the next 6 years.  But I have to laugh the tiniest bit...and I think a lot of this goes back to the fact I don’t get in knots about football.  But they’ve used numbers from the roster of the state winning team to make new jerseys for these jr high boys.  They’ve pumped these boys up with stories of so-and-so wore this jersey so you’d better do xyz or he will take it from you...and my personal favorite “inspirational” quote from the men in charge….a lot of men from that team would give their right testicle to be back playing ball.  Remember when those Successory pictures were so big?  What an awesome quote that would’ve been in a frame. 

Cade came home telling me all of this Friday and I had to laugh.  And I wondered if given the choice would a man really give up a testicle?  Too bad I can’t put it to the test….And since I believe in being fully honest with your kids (well I mean I do lie to them at times which could be another post) but I mean in life skills we are honest.  Like we tell Cade that he is the product of Jay and I – he’s probably not going to be winning the Heisman but he could be a National FFA Officer….that sort of honesty is what I’m talking about.  I told Cade that I hope he has fun in HS BUT I hope it is not the peak of his life.  I want him to go to college and raise a family and quite honestly my 30’s have been pretty darn good.  There were some rough times but there have been some really great times.  There would be no way I’d ever give this up (or my testicle if I had one) to go back to high school.  I mean….curly permed hair and mom jeans and glasses .  Yikes!!!  No thank you!!!!  But then I guess men probably don’t have as many fashion skeletons hiding in their closets so maybe going back to ’94 wouldn’t be as traumatic for them???

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