Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Usual

Cade has said several funny things this past weekend. I’m not exactly sure what was wrong with him, maybe it was a change in the weather, but he was full of it.

Friday night we went to the school and worked on the FFA slide show till about 8. We hadn’t eaten anything before so we were all starving once we left the school so we decided to go eat Mexican. On the way to the restaurant I called mom to check on grandpa. Cade wanted to talk to grandma so I gave him the phone. She must’ve asked him what he was going to eat because his reply was “I think I’ll have the usual”. Yes, Cade is 7 and he has a “usual” at the Mexican restaurant in town. Do you think we might eat there often? By the way the usual is a Mexican Pizza.

On Saturday evening we went to Jim and Sharon’s to celebrate Jay’s birthday. Sharon had ordered a birthday cake for Jay and it wasn’t a huge cake, but enough for all of us. Compared to what we order for Cade’s party it was small, but it was still a regular sized cake. Cade and I were looking at it and he said “well it’s not much of a birthday cake, but at least it’s still a cake”. I quickly looked around to make sure Sharon hadn’t heard him. Later on Sharon made a comment about the size of the cake so I was able to share with her that Cade felt the same way – it wasn’t much of a cake.

Jim and Sharon are also really good about taking Cade to pick out birthday and Christmas gifts for Jay and me. Saturday night when Cade handed Jay his gift he said “it’s not much of a gift but here it is anyway”. So we all laughed about that. It ended up being a hammer so Jay asked him where he picked it out from. Cade said “upstairs”. Jim tried to stop him from saying it, but Cade was too quick. They hadn’t had time to take Cade shopping so Jim bought 3 things so Cade could pick from them to give Jay….which he did….upstairs. That caused us to have a learning moment about not sharing everything that pops into his head. Oh, we are really having to be careful about what we say in front of him.

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