Saturday, June 23, 2007

Take the Plunge - VBS 2007

Today was VBS at our church. I was lucky enough to be the director this year, so it was a busy day. Since our church is small we were all spread pretty thin, so we decided to do a one day VBS on a Saturday afternoon. We didn't have a huge crowd, but I think the ones that were there had a good time. We used the Standard Publishing VBS theme - Take the Plunge. It was a water park theme and all of the lessons showed how Jesus used water to change the lives of the people that he met. The key phrases were:
Plunge into Obedience - The Miraculous Catch of Fish
Plunge into Worship - Jesus and the Woman at the Well
Plunge into Faith - Jesus Walks on Water
Plunge into Courage - Jesus calms the storm
There is also a 5th lesson Plunge into Service - Jesus Washes the Disciples feet, but we only used 4 of the lessons. I helped with the Miraculous Catch of Fish lesson, due to a scheduling change on Friday night. I had originally planned on helping with Jesus Walks on Water. That lesson really spoke to me because it was telling the kids how to Plunge into Faith. That is something that I've struggled with over the past couple of years. How many times do we say "God I have faith you'll be there for ________" and then somehow along the way we lose our Faith. When that happens were like Peter, we end up almost drowning in our problem. We could possibly be missing out on what we could do or should do because we don't fully trust him. For me the key part to remember when I feel that way is that just because we have Faith doesn't mean the situation will turn out the way we want. The Faith part comes in when you still believe that God will give you the strength to get through it. Here are a few pictues of J and C at VBS, along with our stage decoration. J did a lot for me today. He taught a lesson, which means he did it 4 different times, then played outside for 2 hours with the kids, then cooked hamburgers for the BBQ. He really worked hard today, thank you so much. Also a big thank you to Memo and Grandma Robyn, the snack ladies. I couldn't have done it without the three of you. And, if anyone from church ever happens to read this, THANK YOU to those that helped today. The day might have been a little smaller than I'd hoped for but it still was a successful day.

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