Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Yet another pig story

Miller was out of school yesterday and Cade decided he would rather stay home than go with Jay.  Sometime in the afternoon Cade decided to go check his pigs.  I'm really not sure how all of this happened.  Cade described it to me, but I couldn't quite get the logistics of it all.  Long story short - somehow two of the pigs got out of their fence and were running through our woods.  I have no idea how Cade managed to catch them.  They are getting pretty big and harder to catch even when they are in their house.  I am surprised he didn't totally freak out.  Somehow he got them caught and locked back in the farrowing house.  Then he lifted the lid to check their water.  They needed water and to reach it he had to get in the house.  Again, I'm not sure how it all happened but the roof closed on Cade.  He was stuck in the farrowing house with the pigs.  We have no idea how long he was in there.  We are guessing about 30 minutes.  He said he was finally able to use all of his strength and get the roof open from the inside. 

I am about pigged out.   

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