Thursday, March 26, 2015

The rest of our birthday week

Well the rest of our birthday week ended up like most of our birthday weeks.  Somebody was sick!!!!  Camryn woke up at 3 AM Sunday morning, after Cade's party, with the stomach flu.  She had been really congested so I hoped it was either snot or all the Reeses PB Bunnies she had ate the night before.  No such luck.  That baby girl was sick!!! 
She woke me up screaming because she had puked in bed.  I didn't realize what was going on until I picked her up and then I knew.  She was screaming, I was trying to get her cleaned up, I needed to change, her bed needed changed, etc.  Finally I went in our room and asked Jay is he was still alive because I had no idea how he could've slept through all of her screaming.   You can write this on your calenders....March 2030 I will be taking a vacation.  Jay can come if he wants to, but that will be the first March that he will be retired and both kids will be out of HS.  I will be on a beach somewhere.   
I left work early on Tuesday because I was getting sick.  For awhile I was scared it was the flu but I think 5% of it was catching a cold and 90% was exhaustion from the day Camryn was sick.  And again, typical March, I got to be sick for about 2 hours.  Then I had to do mom/kid/FFA wife things which resulted in me vowing to leave Jay home alone for a week with the kids the next time he feels sick.  I wouldn't ever do it, but in the middle of March there are a lot of things I dream about like that....Just being honest here.
Thursday Sharon invited us over to celebrate my birthday, even though it was Cade's birthday.  Sharon has always tried to do something special for my day and I appreciate it.  Since mom was here on Spring Break she also got to go with us.  It was a fun night.  Another thing I've tried to talk myself into is taking more pictures.  I really hate to take pictures of myself.  Like really hate it.  Like I put a lot of thought in to how I can position the kids to cover myself up and things.  So I'm trying to work on it.  Even though I knew I didn't look the best that night I had Jay take our picture.  I've tried to not critique it too much.  Small steps, small steps.....

Last Saturday the kids and I met Mom, Charity, Avery and Lawson in Branson for the day.  We did a little shopping and then played Mini Golf.  Just FYI Shoot for the Stars is way over priced!!!!  It was a pretty crazy, wild time.  There were golf balls, clubs and kids everywhere.  Thank goodness we didn't have people right in front or behind us.  The kids kind of ended of running everywhere.  I felt like I yelled a lot...Camryn it's your turn, put your ball down, no put your ball down there, Lawson don't touch your ball, get off the green, get out of the way, etc.  Yeah, just our normal chaos. 

The next day we found out that I had the steel belt coming through on one of my tires.  I was so thankful that we made it to Branson and back in one piece.  I thought my van had been a little rough riding for a few days.  I got just what I wanted for my birthday- new tires!!!! 

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