Wednesday, May 28, 2014

And then there were 2....

The last of Bonnie's litter left our house on Monday. We are left with the two Cade will show this year - Carly and Sam.  I'm just going to say it, since it is my blog, the last pig left rather abruptly - and we are sick over the fiasco.  These little piggies have caused me to loose more than one nights sleep!

I know I tell a lot of stories on here with good humor in mind (the surgery story was not a lie by the way!) but all joking aside I am thankful for Jay and the type of man that he is. I've never seen anyone put other childrens needs above his own as much as he does. That is why I can go to his FFA Banquets and see the respect those kids have for him and Lyle. They both truly care about those kids. Their #1 goal is to see those kids be successful in whatever they choose to do.  I am so thankful that I have married such a selfless, patient and caring man. I'm also thankful that he is working so hard to make sure those same values are passed  on to our children and to the kids that he has influenced every day of his 15 year teaching career. Jay- you are appreciated and I know there are hundreds of kids who would tell you the same thing!

Sorry for the mushy moment there- but it needed to be said. I've never told the story about the pig who died. I can't even remember exactly when it died. It seems like there was something else going on at school the day that Jay found it. Something that made him think school would be a little different and a teacher wouldn't mind altering their plans for te day....

We knew the pig was sick. Jay had given it everything he could think of. He had
consulted his Pig Whisperers and they agreed. There wasn't anything else we could do. Jay found the pig one Friday morning.  So what does anyone who finds a dead pig do?  Take it to school of see if the Biology teacher would perform an autopsy. 

Here is where some of the story might not be quite as funny to you. But picture picture someone as completely opposite in every way. That would (or would've been since he wasn't rehired) the biology teacher. I wouldn't have exactly called this teacher and Jay "Besties" during the school year. Now picture Jay carrying a dead pig in a feed sack into this teachers room and slapping it down on a table. I'm not entirely sure that's how it all went down but that's how I imagine it. Even though the teacher was all preppy and there was this rough Ag teacher with a dead pig in a sack standing in his room- he was a biology teacher after all. Of course he jumped all over the chance to perform an autopsy. We even have the pictures to prove it, which I will spare you from. The pig was full of infection. A least we knew we had done all we could. 

So after loosing one to death and selling two we are down to the two Cade will show. This has definitely been an adventure.  I just hope the pig drama settles down- but it is sure to be replaced by chicken drama. We are a 4-H/FFA family so I'm sure animal drama and catastrophes will follow us the next 20 years!

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