Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Singular Saga

Do you ever have that one little thing you do that you don’t think is going to be a big deal at all….and then it morphs into something much bigger and time consuming then you ever imagined? That’s been my last couple of days with a Singular refill for Camryn.

The original prescription was filled late the Saturday night after Christmas at a 24 hour Walgreens in Springfield. It was time for a refill and obviously having it at Walgreens was not convenient. Monday afternoon I dropped of the box at our local pharmacy and asked them to transfer it. When I got home that night there was a message to call the pharmacy about the prescription…..

My insurance will not pay for the type of Singular granules Hometown has. They needed to transfer it to another pharmacy. Since I had to pick up Camryn in Aurora I asked them to send it to Wal Mart there. They said Wal Mart would call me later to let me know if they had the type that my insurance would pay for. Then before we hung up they said as somewhat of an afterthought…..”Oh and Camryn’s Albuterol is ready.” What???? I said when was she prescribed that? When Jay took her to the doctor on the 24th (when I was sure we were getting breathing treatments and then didn’t) the doctor had called it in. The pharmacy didn’t have any and they didn’t tell me when I picked up her other prescriptions that they had to order the Albuterol. I was a little put out yesterday. I ended up having to call Camryn’s doctor to find out what was going on and to ask them to send the pharmacy a prescription for the nebulizer. The nurse then asked how Camryn was doing so I used that opportunity to explain how she had ran a fever all weekend. The nurse (who is awesome) said she would ask the doctor he if wanted to prescribe anything else. They called me back later in the day and Camryn would have a prescription for the nebulizer and another round of prednisone waiting for her.

Later in the afternoon I realized that I hadn’t heard from Wal-Mart. I called them and they did not have the prescription yet. I had to call Hometown. They had gotten busy and forgot about it. They sent it right over. Wal Mart called me back within a few minutes. They did not have the Singular but it was at their warehouse. They should have it by today, but even when they order things from the warehouse the warehouse sometimes won’t ship it. We aren’t talking about restocking the shelves with towels. This is medication and they sometimes don’t send it??? I’m supposed to call back after 2 today to see if they have the medicine. I still don’t have a clue if the insurance will cover it.

So on my way home I stopped by to pick up the Prednisone, Albuterol and the Nebulizer from Hometown. I got the meds, but once we started the paperwork on the Nebulizer we discovered they were considered out of network on my insurance. They were going to have to send the orders for the Nebulizer to a place in Monett….that closed at 4:30. So that all had to be taken care of today.

During the night Camryn woke up running (what we thought felt like) a low grade temp. Jay ended up staying home with her and we took her back to the doctor. Dr D actually thought she was improving and she didn’t have a temp in the office. It made me feel so much better knowing he thought she seemed better. Jay was then able to head to Monett and get the nebulizer.

But I still don’t know anything about the Singular….which is what started this whole long soap opera Monday afternoon. I may end up having Wal Mart transfer it back to Walgreens and run to Springfield tonight. I just had to laugh about the absurdity of yesterday.

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